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Assistance Dog

Behaviour & Wellness Support Programme

Jodie Griffin - Ethical Dog - Canine Behaviour & Wellness Services

Qualified Canine Behaviour Practitioner & Student Canine Myotherapist 


Specialising in the physical, mental and emotional health of working assistance dogs, for longevity in their work role whilst supporting their disabled handlers and their long term general health and wellness from pup in training to retired assistance dogs.


Assistance Dog Trainer - Dog A.I.D. - ADUK accredited assistance dog organisation 

15 years personal experience within the assistance dog sector

Fully insured & qualified 

Based in Cannock, Staffordshire, UK. Services available in person & online. 

Our programme includes an initial assessment, customised wellness support plan and then further support and guidance for working your assistance dog.


Available both in person & online or a mixture of both depending on your needs 


Intitial assessment & wellness support plan - £75 

In person 1-1 support session - £45 

Online 1-1 support session - £45

Group sessions (in person only) - £20


Initial session includes a written report, behavioural support guide & recommendations, further sessions are designed to help and support you 1-1 to put our recommendations into practice.


We can provide support, as a one off appointment, or continuously through out your dogs working life. Our programme is designed to ensure your dogs optimal physical and mental health whilst working, encouraging a healthy working relationship, improving your dogs health and wellbeing and therefore increasing longevity in their working role. We are here to support you from puppy prospect to retirement, whether your dog is ADUK, training with an independent org or trainer or fully owner trained.




  • Initial assessment - this is not a test of skills, this is to find out more about you and your dog and what you need from us. We will look at your lifestyle, routine, your dogs social interactions and relationships, confidence, learning styles, preferences and difficulties, body language and communication and more to help create a customised wellness support plan.


  • Wellness support plan - guidance & recommendations custom tailored to your dog including relaxation exercises, confidence building, recognising difficulties or discomfort in your dog, mental wellness and reducing stress, encouraging healthy social relationships, effective communication with your dog and ethical handling practices and more.


  • Support and guidance for working your assistance dog - starting with assistance dog laws and discrimination and your rights and responsibilities as a handler, help with purchasing your dogs uniform and other gear, and accessing further training support and public access assessments if needed.




We aim to work alongside qualified trainers, behaviourists, veterinarians, myotherapists, nutritionists and more to ensure that your assistance dog or puppy prospect is getting the best possible care and treatment, incase of any issues that may arise, as we understand first hand the importance of our life changing and life saving canine companions








To join our programme click join now in the menu and fill out the contact form, or send a msg to or text 07403761120 or leave a voice mail message 


- initial payment for your assessment and support plan is £75 - further appointments are £45 


We can organise a date and time that suits you for your assessment and wellness support plan, fully customised to your specific needs. Then its your choice whether or not to continue with us 



For our local clients we have social meets and walks at £20 per session, and also a supportive facebook community group 



Assistance Dog Wellness Support Programme 

Based on your dogs natural, social and emotional needs, improving your communication and relationship and a better understanding for a happy, healthy working dog 


£75 - initial assessment and wellness support guide customised to your unique and individual needs 

£45 - 1-1 support sessions for further help, advice and continued support 

Assistance dog law UK 

In the UK a disabled person is able to access services alongside their trained assistance dog under the Equality Act. It is your choice whether to train your dog yourself, alongside a private trainer or as part of an assistance dog organisation. 


If you wish to take your assistance dog into a none pet friendly public space it is important that your dog is healthy, clean, undisruptive and under control. Public liability insurance is a must, and a neat and clear uniform is also recommended.


You may decide to get an independent assessment on your dog or join an organisation for further training and accreditation. This is not currently mandatory in the UK.


The most important part of working an assistance dog is for our dogs needs and welfare to come first, providing choice, freedom, social relationships and engagement in natural behaviours alongside adequate support for their physical health 

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